Wednesday, March 28, 2012


Hey there,

I am proud to say that I have finished my t 30 day challenge and the outcome is amazing. The other day I took on drink of my friends drink which had caffeine in it and i didn't like the taste of that caffeinated beverage at all. So this means that I am going to continue to not drink caffeine for the fact I don't like the taste of it and also the fact that I feel better now that I am not drinking caffeine. This challenge has been an amazing learning experience and really like the way it turned out. I might just do another 30 day challenge again.

Song of the day:

Avicii - Levels

This song always puts me into a good mood hope it does the same for you!!

Peace out everyone and have a great day

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Gatorade My New Best Friend

Wassssssssssup Everyone!!

Well we are down to our last week of this blog and I am doing amazing. As my title says Gatorade is my new best friend because that is all i drink now a days but hey it keeps me hydrated and taste goods. I still haven't had any caffeine and I don't plan on having any even after this 30 day challenge is over. I plan to stay health and a happy.

Have a Great Day!!

Video of the day:

Peace Out!

Monday, March 19, 2012

No More Craving, No More Caffeine

Wassup everyone??

I just wanted to let everyone know that my challenge to give up caffeine is still going. After 20 days of not having caffeine I feel amazing. I don't even crave caffeine anymore, no more headaches, no more tiredness through out the day. I feel like this challenge has done soo much for me and helped me get a little bit more healthier along with working out. Lately, I have been working out during the day when I used to get tired from the caffeine and not feel like doing anything but rest and watch TV. My new favorite drink is Gatorade and I am always drinking one. This feeling of getting off of caffeine feels like an amazing accomplishment. Have a great day.

Song of the day:


Peace out everyone!!

Friday, March 16, 2012


The reason that I chose to give up caffeine for 30 days is because it was a task that I feel like I could do for 30 days even over spring break. Also, giving up caffeine was something that I was planning to do for a while now and this gave me the motivation to make it happen. The reason I wanted to give up drinking caffeine is because I was addicted to it and I would drink it all day every day and felt like it was hurting me more than it was helping me. I got to a point where I was getting dehydrated every morning and during the night, where I would have to get up and get some water or have a glass of water lying next to my bed. Along with the side effects I was facing from all the caffeine this is a topic many people have chosen to do before and there are a numerous amount of sources that go along with this topic.

My living caffeine has still remained the same i havent had any caffeine in like three weeks now and everything is going great now i have gotten past all the headaches and the bad side effects that comes from giving up caffeine.

Song of the Day:

Cinima: SKrillex

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Two weeks in

Two weeks into my 30 day challenge has been eventful. I haven't had any caffeine for two weeks now and it has been a difficult task to quit. There have been a couple days where I woke up with a headache and expirenced tiredness during the day due to not having caffeine. Also, at the beginning of this journey my lips were extremely dry along with waking up dehydrated. Recently, my craving for caffeine has gone down tremendously and I haven't been that tired and the headaches have gone away. This experience has been really difficult, atleast more than i expected it to be.

Song of the Day:
The Motto - Drake

Monday, February 27, 2012

The Beginning

Day 1:

Today is the first day of my 30 day challenge, where I will be giving up caffeine. For this first week I will still allow myself one caffeinated beverage a day, if I so choose. My consumption of caffeine has been apart of my daily life for as long as I can remember. More recently, the only beverages I drink are ones that have caffeine in them like Coke, Monster, Dr. Pepper, and Peace Teas. Lately I haven't been feeling the affects of caffeine as strongly, I never have a problem going to sleep or feel jittery due to the effects of caffeine. I can feel a little bit of a difference when I don't have my caffeinated beverages, for example getting going in the morning is more difficult without the use of caffeine. I have also noticed that and increased use of caffeine leaves me feeling tired and dehydrated threw out the day.

After doing research about caffeine it allowed me to see what beverages I can and cannot drink. There are a lot of drinks that I will have to give up like most carbonate beverages, teas, and energy drinks. The drinks that I will still consume are Gatorade, water, and Mugs root beer. I was pleasantly surprised to find that the brand of root beer sold on campus does not contain caffeine. I am excited to see how the next 30 days will turn out and the difference it will make in my life.